Belle Frantz will tell you she grew up listening to classic country hits with her Grandad, but it was after she got his CD collection that she knew that singing was her passion.

“I got the singing bug and I’ve just been singing ever since but I didn’t start singing in front of people until I was, like, 17 or 18,” Frantz said.

Eventually, the singer decided it was time to turn her hobby into a career and started playing gigs all over the South.

She also took to social media to grow her audience.

“The more I started posting my viewers got bigger. The followers got bigger and I had a video of me blow up singing Dolly Parton’s Jolene and after that, a few record labels started reaching out to me. Managers and publishing companies,” Frantz said.

In November, Frantz signed a record deal with Universal Music Group Nashville and met her long-time inspiration.

“It was insane. The first person – the first record label I met was Universal. They buttered me up. They let me meet Reba McEntire at the Grand Ole Opry. That was my first time at the Opry and meeting her backstage was insane. I met her for like 10 minutes and I walked in and fully just cried,” Frantz said.

While she still has a long journey ahead, she is excited for people to “Turn on The Radio.”